viernes, 26 de abril de 2013

Pepín del Río Gatóo street

Pepín del Río Gatóo was born in Torrelavega in the neighbourhood of Quebrantada, in 1910. His father was railway worker and he devoted his life working in the Sniace company.
He studied at a school located in the square Baldomero Iglesias, in that time he loved the songs. In 1942 when he was 32 years old, he directed a group of singers. Most of them, worked with him in Sniace.
Thanks to it appeared “the Choir Ronda Garcilaso” which was a folk choir.
Pepín del Río was the choir director for four decades.
In his repertoire stand out the verses of round, pilgrimage, or siega, marzas…
In 1943 they gave their first concert, in Noriega, Asturias,in 1984 he was the most important difusor of the songs of the mountain.
Significant was also the action of the Garcilaso in the International festival of Llangolen (Gales), in 1962 and 1963 Torrelavega conceded to Pepín it medal of gold, in 1987 and named him Favourite Son of Torrelavega. Torrelavega, also gave his name to a street.

Hemeroteca Municipal de Torrelavega.

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