jueves, 6 de febrero de 2025

General Ceballos Street

He was born in Yermo in 1814, the first Marquess of Torrelavega. He died in Madrid in 1883. At the age of 19 he joined the Police officers' body of Corps. He took part in the whole first carlist war. He was hurt in the site of Bilbao and achieved " San Fernando's Cross ". In 1845 he was destined to the island of Cuba where he recovered different charges and was distinguished in the administrative organization and promotion of the Hospital of Cienfuegos's Charity. He returned to Spain in 1858 as a colonel. He was the field assistant of the general O'Donell in the war of Morocco, in which he reached the General's degree of Brigade. It was promoted to General of Division for his determined repression of the revolt of the gunners of Madrid in 1866. It helped to suffocate the republican movement of Andalucia.

 After the death of Fernando VII, Ceballos supported Isabel II and the regent Maria Cristina  cause opposite the brother of the late king Fernando, Carlos Maria Isidro. The country was one of the principal scenes of the First Carlist War. Bilbao, liberal and economic place, was a principal aim for the Carlists. The General Tomás de Zumalacárregui tried to take the villa in 1835, though he failed and was hurt in Begoña's surrounding areas, four days later to die in his natal Cegama. On the following year, he resisted the second siege in which Baldomero Espartero defeated the Carlists in Luchana's Battle. Ceballos took part in the north front, playing an inmportant in 1836, he took part of his first military action in the Army of Operations of the North under the orders of the Colonel at the time, Ramon Castañeda, continuing later to Castrejana's action, where he was hurt.

In 1838 he took part in the actions of Gandesa, Daroca and Morella; in 1843 in the site of Saragossa, after the siege, Miro took part in the contests of Durango's high places, the site of Morella, Cuitorres and Tower. Once the contest finished Ceballos was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel the received Cross of 1 Class of San Fernando's Royal and the Military Order on August 17, 1838, for the assault of Tower Miro, being A Captain of the Provincial Regiment Laredo n º 19.

  He was a commander in Chief of the Second Body of the Army, general captain of the Basque Provinces, general manager of Infantry, The Secretary of the War of Cánovas and assistant of the king, who granted the Marquess's title of Torrelavega to him. He possessed also, the Great Red Cross of the Military merit and that of Gentleman of Carlos III. His shield of weapon appears in the reed-mace of the church of Santa Maria of Barren, of whose last restoration was a counselor. In March, 1876 he accompanied Alfonso XII to visiting the hospitals that had been established in Santander to attend the injured men in the civil war and on March 15 they displaced Torrelavega in order the King knew the villa and for this province of Santander he was a life Senator of the Senate of Spain. Half a year later, on October 24, 1876, it was granted to him.

Torrelavega has, also labelled one of his streets with the name of this glorious personage, which crosses the area of the estate that in his time was his lordly residence and today eliminated to give step to modern urbanism. This street has his name since on June 29, 1895.



Archivo municipal de Torrlavega y libro de las 22 calles de Torrelavega


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